
Drink Water – Thirst or Hunger?

Drinking water has many benefits. Water increases energy, relieves fatigue, is great for flushing out toxins, improving your skin’s complexion, and aids in digestion but when it comes to weight management water is crucial.

Developing the awareness between hunger and thirst is a great starting point. Most clients would know how to manage their macro-nutrient intake

Let’s keep it simple, we need 8 (250ml) glasses of water per day and remain consistent with our water intake. Going to the bathroom frequently, in the beginning, is key as your new hydration habits settle in. When you visit the lavatory you will see a colour and smell of your urine.  If your urine is dark yellow with a pungent nitrate smell you need to hydrate urgently.  If your urine is translucent and odourless you are smashing it!  Don’t forget to to top up after every time you visit the bathroom as you can drop up to 400ml everytime.

How to split your water intake:

Have a glass when you wake up, before and after every meal, and before bedtime. It is this simple!

Drinking water at regular intervals allows for the hunger response to be recognised as just that HUNGER and not THIRST.

Take the design of intermitted fasting. The principle is that you have no food for 8-16hrs but you can have fluids like water, coffee and tea as long as you exclude any calorie-based additives like sweeteners, milk, sugars. This intermittent fasting shows that you can reduce hunger signals by increasing your fluid intake.

I’ll leave you with this.

That feeling in your gut of emptiness what is it? Are you thirsty or hungry?

Will you be able to recognise the difference?

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