We believe that this is your journey towards a healthier you.
You just need the support, motivation and science to cultivate the habits you need to build your sustainable healthy lifestyle.
How can we help?
Client Reviews
“My main objective was to get back into maintaining healthy habits, building regular exercise, being mindful of nutrition and getting good sleep daily. I achieved this as Sid was great at checking in with me weekly to make sure that I remain on the path.”
“You have all of your knowledge – and it is a LOT – and wisdom that you deploy with such restraint, humility, humour but not before you do what I think is the most important human skill: you listen. To what it is I think I want and what I might actually want, to what I need, think, wish. And you listen deeeeeep. Then you support.”
“I reached out to Sid at my lowest point and he helped me navigate through a journey of transformation. I learnt how to build healthier habits. And if I was unsure I had the peace of mind to know that I could reach out at any time. I feel so amazing!”
“I need to be patient and kind to myself and my body. It took years of “damage”, “neglect” and “not taking proper care of my body and mind” to get to this stage, so it will take some work to reverse the “damage” done. The cool thing about having a coach is knowing that the results can be achieved while on the journey and new things can be discovered or raised as the journey never ends.”
“My fear of eating more food kept derailing me and as soon as we matched the Science with my behaviour I start seeing the results consistently. With the education and motivation provided by my coach I am now 14kgs lighter.”
“I used to train hectically 3 mornings a week and never saw the results that I did in 5months with Smash-It. Being 15.5kgs definitely made me realise that nutrition is such an important component of my goals.”
“I not only feel more comfortable and energized now, but I also feel more confident and content.
I am in full control and loving life.”